
Archive for the ‘Internet Marketing’ Category

How To Quickly Test A Market

November 10, 2010 Leave a comment

Often, when a typical marketer is looking to get into a market, they dive right in and often fail far more than they succeed. It doesn’t have to be that way. Just by doing some “quick math” in your head and a few searches can greatly help you determine if you should proceed with that $500.00 ad spend in AdWords as a test in the market. When you find a potential market, spend just ten minutes. That’s it, just ten. Remember, sometimes a great market just won’t convert well for your offer … it happens and it is best to know as soon as possible if the market is a dud. And to figure that out just do these steps first:

In this example, I will use ClickBank, which sells mostly eBooks. You can apply these steps to any affiliate program or network.

Step One: Write down the industry, exact eBook name and author.

Step Two: Write down the commission per sale.

Step Three: Based on an aggressive conversion ratio of 3%, project revenue. (while I realize that 3% seems high, it is what you should expect with the right targeted keywords, the right product and the right landing page).

Step Four: Write down your “break even” point in terms of Cost Per Click (CPC).

Step Five: Open the Keyword Tool in Google AdWords

Step Six: Enter the “main keyword” or the merchant’s site

Step Seven: Show Estimated CPC, Search Volume Trends and Highest Volume Occurred In (drop down “Choose Columns to Display)

Step Eight: Change Match Type to “Exact” (we don’t want non-qualified clicks)

Step Nine: Sort by Estimated CPC (highest first)

Step Ten: Scroll down to the range of the break even point you wrote down in Step Four. You must have at least 300 in Search Volume from the month prior to consider using the keyword phrase. This will give you ten potential searchers per day.

Step Eleven: Verify that at least 100 clicks per day can be had with the keywords which match the above criteria.

Step Twelve: Re-run “Traffic Estimator” and target the actual product name and the author’s name and look for traffic estimates of ten clicks or more.

Let’s do an example together:

1. Dog Training. Kingdom of Pets: SitStayFetch by Daniel Stevens

2. $31.23

3. $93.69 ($31.23 x 3) 3 sales is based on 100 visitors at 3% conversion (most will state that this conversion ratio is too high, but because we will focus on the keywords that sell, this is the minimum that you should expect).

4. $0.94 ($93.69/100) Paying $0.94 per click would “break even” on the campaign.

5. N/A

6. I prefer to target the merchant’s site, as it often gives me a faster pull of effective keywords. I can also use SpyFu. So I put in:

7-9. N/A

10. The first section is keywords related to “how to train” which is the focus of the site and the keywords we want to focus on to sell the guide. Here are the ones that I selected:

how to train dog ($0.96) 74,000. Yes, this is above the range, but just barely and it is highly focused.
how to train my dog ($.90) 3,600
how to train a puppy ($0.80) 27,100
how to train puppies ($0.56) 3,600

The other sections? You can target them, but you will need to create a new landing page for each because each has a different market and we want to keep our conversions as high as possible. Here are some ideas:

“dog training collar” – this would be an eCommerce product sale rather than an informational eBook.

“dog trainer” – with the slumping economy, many could be looking to “moonlight” to help make ends meet. This could spur you to create your own product on how to make a career out of being a dog trainer. There is plenty of information to pull from on the web and being the merchant often is the ticket you have been looking for.

“dog bark” – this is a problem. By targeting your landing page to show how the problem can be solved quickly, easily and affordably is what the prospect is seeking.

This is where “out of the box” thinking comes in. Business opportunities can come anytime and anywhere, but you must seize the opportunity.

11. Verified. On the conservative side, 3,000 searches per day should result in at least 100 clicks.

12. Searching for “kingdom of pets”, “sitstayfetch”, “sit stay fetch” and “daniel stevens” did not return results which were usable.

With the above, it can be assumed since we can get over 100 clicks per day at around the break even point that this would be a product worth pursuing. A $50-$300.00 PPC test would be worthwhile.

PPC Tip: Make your bids half of what the top bid is, so if you do this, then you can target keywords at DOUBLE your break-even point to gain more qualified click throughs.


Social Media and Small Businesses

November 2, 2010 Leave a comment

Unless you’ve been hunkered under a rock or in the back of a cave, you’ve at least heard the term “social media.” Depending on your perspective, social media either represents the fall of western civilization or the perfect marriage of people and technology.

The term “social media” actually refers to 4 specific types of tools. The first type, “social connection sites” like Facebook and Linked In, allow users to make, share, build, and interact with social contacts online. The second type, “social stream of consciousness” sites like Twitter, allow users to share their thoughts quickly and easily (regardless if anyone actually cares). The third type of tool, “social bookmarking” sites such as and, let users share and rate individual sites and other media. The fourth type of social media tool involves sites like or games such as Farmville which contain “social features” to link users together.
In theory, users of social media link up, interact, and use the sites and tools as their creators intended. And, if your intentions are strictly about keeping up with friends or professional contacts you actually know in the real world, you can easily use social media to do just that. However, once you try to go beyond just networking with people you know (and the people they actually know), the world of social media gets murky fast. Though powerful and effective when used correctly, social media quickly becomes a never-ending rabbit hole of time, energy, and effort, especially for small business owners.
If you want to use social media to build your small business, keep the following in mind at all times.
Create Dialogue
Most businesses mistakenly use social media as a one-way communication tool. In fact, this represents the core mistake anyone makes with social media. You must use Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn to create a real dialogue – a real exchange of communication. To do that, you can’t follow 20,000 people or have 50,000 friends. Bottom line, if the communication isn’t authentic, you’re fooling yourself that it’s actually worth doing in the first place.
Gather Intelligence
Members of your target audience hold the key to your success, not the other way around. Use social media communication to get direct input from people on your products and services. Get them to tell you their hopes, fears and problems and, more importantly, how you can help them. While building your following, you can use social media search tools (like to spot trends and problems you can solve.
Watch Your Time
Most of what you need to accomplish with Facebook and Twitter can happen in less than 15-20 minutes per day. Any more time than that is a waste of precious time. Until and unless you can track business directly to your social media activities, keep a tight rein on you time.
Share Value & Fun
The number one reason anyone sends their friends or comes back to you themselves is because of value. Always remember: nobody really cares about you and your business, they only care about what your business can do for them. Share information and news others can use and you’ll build a list of meaningful contacts. Put out a stream of useless drivel or “quotes of the day” and you might as well not even sign up for a Twitter account.
Bottom line: social media tools are just that, tools. You will not get rich overnight just because you signed up for a Twitter account, nor will you get inundated with business because you hang out a shingle on LinkedIn. You can, however, experience real results if you use these sites as originally intended: to create meaningful connections with real people.
By Jim Edward

Beginning Twitter – What Do I Tweet About?

September 15, 2009 1 comment

At first, you feel a little weird tweeting.  You think everyone is going to read it… until you realize no one is going to read it because you don’t have any followers yet.  The biggest question you have, and rightly so is, what do I tweet about?

Rest assured everyone feels that way when they start out on Twitter.  In fact, without looking at the number of updates a person has, you can usually if someone is new to Twitter.  Their tweets sound tentative and directed at no one in particular.

Instead, form a bold plan and hop right on the Twitter train.  Here are some beginner examples to get you started:

Tweet #1:

“Yes, I’m new to Twitter.  Get over it… I have. 🙂 “

(Option B is to not mention being new at all – start with #2)


(Tell what you’re doing) “Right now I’m setting up another WP blog about ________.”


(Again tell what you’re doing) “I just finished writing the outline & intro to my newest ebook. I can’t wait to get it out there; I think it will answer a lot of questions.” (No links in post)


(Ask a question) “I’m not liking my WP theme. Anyone care to share links to their favorite free WP themes?”


Retweet someone else’s tweet, being sure to put the @ in front of their name.  “RT @TerryBrother Quote Tip: Want your #quote to be easily RT’d? Make it ~120 characters leaving room 4 others 2 add RT & your @name”


@Reply to a tweet.

If you can give help to someone, all the better.  The sooner you start showing your expertise in your niche, the better.

Now start following people you respect in your niche(s).


@Reply to another tweet.

This is a good time to respond to tweets by the big names in your field.  You are not only establishing a relationship with these people, it looks good to have their @name in your Twitter stream.


Tweet a favorite quote. “You succeed only if you aren’t afraid to fail.”~Anonymous Be sure to then thank @whoever’s name when they RT your quote.


Throw in a random tweet.  “Good grief, I just realized I’ve been wearing my shirt inside out all day. (This kind of tweet gets people talking to you as they have similar stories.)


Offer up a freebie tweet “Do you want to write an ebook? Here are the 10 steps [put link to article here].

Now you can start following lots of people and most of them will follow you back.  You’ve established yourself as a real person who takes action, needs occasional help, likes to help others, likes good quotes, can laugh at himself, and is interested in building relationships with people. It’s all there for them to see in your timeline.

Notice you don’t jump right in promoting a product and try to follow 2000 people? That’s because you’re a human, not a bot or a spammer.

Tip – You can retweet (RT) someone’s tweet or reply to a person’s tweet even if they don’t yet follow you.  You do have to be following them or you won’t see their tweet in the first place, unless you are directly on their Twitter page viewing what they’ve posted.

When people decide whether to follow you, they will jump onto your Twitter page and see what you’re about.  If they see you exchanging tweets with people they are following, they feel good about following you too. You have some friends in common.

Hopefully this will help you get past your initial fears regarding Twitter and not knowing what to tweet about.  Once you get rolling, your problem will more likely be, how can I stop tweeting and get some work done?

Tips To Success

September 15, 2009 Leave a comment

Tips on what to do if you have an information product

When you are promoting an information product, what you want to do is have your customers name throughout the sales letter this makes it more personal. This will give you more conversions. It might seem obvious, but a lot of people aren’t doing this.

Your sales letter will become more powerful if you tell a story

Search on google for US Government, there is articles royalty free, that’s right frreeee! Give them full credit if you use their articles.

Why do people put four P.s’s at the bottom of a sales letter? The reason for this is because sometimes people skip the sales letter and go straight to the bottom. What you want to do is write all your benefits and bonuses at the bottom.

Google answers is a perfect place for short content!

Tips on Elance

If you aren’t getting any bids on Elance, don’t give up. What i would suggest is to keep relisting your ad. If no one bids you can find people with really good ratings. look out for how much the writer has earned, does she/he have positive feedback? etc. Invite them to your bid this will higher your chances to get a much better writer.

The more specific you are with them the better quality your content will be.

Important – When you have your bids split test the top two writers by writing a short article for say $30 and the one that writes the best go with them. This will save a lot of time money and hassle.

Sales Letter

Make whatever you are selling irresistible, that way anyone viewing your site will feel foolish not to buy your product.

Your headline must be a big promise! For example: “These promises to be the most incredible course of 2009”.

How many bullet points should you put on a sales letter? If it sells for $30 put 30 bullet points if you are charging $80 have 80 bullet points. This is a good way to look at it.

Important – Don’t invent yourself emulate success.

Mind Set

When working with individuals you have to get in the mind set of what’s in it for them?

In order to do a lot of successful deals with people all you have to do is get one right, then you can leverage that deal to get other people to do deals with you.

Once you have done your successful deal you can say “I did a deal with xxxxx and made $1500, would you consider working with me?” and keep repeating.

The best way to show what’s in for them is to prove to them what you have made previously with your other clients.

Social Proof – Ask for testimonial of what it was like to send your ebook to your list.

Here are some points on what i have found useful on competition

  • Use your affiliate marketing, once you have enough people promoting your product you won’t need to pay for google adwords 🙂
  • This is very powerful so take note: create a product that compliments your competitors product so that you can become partners rather than competitors.
  • If you are thinking about doing a JV (joint venture) with your competition I would advise you to purchase there product and test before you do so, this will save you a lot of money in the long run.
  • Unfortunately people will by other people’s stuff you might as well get paid for it when they do! If there is a niche you can’t break why not promote them?
  • Recommendation: a book called “think and grow rich” by Napoleon Hill